Why Radio?
I love it, and I believe I have what it’s takes to be on Radio, also to inform people about what’s happening in the world.
Most embarrassing moment on radio?
It was when I joined JoziFM, I was supposed to do a live read and I just messed up everything and the time was up for me to do that live read.
Any talents no one knows about?
I’m an author, I just finish to write my inspirational book which soon will be released.
What do you love most about Jozi FM?
Firstly JoziFM is a family, the relationship we have as a family I love it, also JoziFM is a Number 1 in community Radio station in South Africa so that means I’m in the train that is moving, and I love the leadership of the brand they make sure that they groom you like they did to me I didn’t know much about Radio but today I’m better and I’m going far. Also the opportunity we get.
What sums up a well-spent weekend for you?
Usually on weekends, I’m busy people because I’m also a musician so sometimes I will find a gig and go there to perform and also attend church.
“I am in love with Soweto because of ________”
The History that Soweto has make me love it, also the contribution I’m doing to the community of Soweto by being on Radio and report for them..
If you could change one thing about the world around you, what would it be?
I will change the amount of the a ogogo and omkhulu to be more cause I believe there are the one who rise our kids like I was raised by my grandmother.
Name 5 people would you like to host at a dinner party and why:
Mr Ramaphosa (SA President)
PASTOR SONO(Grace Bible Church)
DJ SBU(Massive Radio, Business)
SANDILE SHEZI (SA Youngest Millionaire)
My Mother
Reasons being I would like to know how did they conquer the world and make them keep going or made them strong when the rough pitch approache their lives.
Who would you bring back from the dead and why:
My dad cause I don’t know him, he passed away when I was 9months, I would love to spend time with him also get his teaching like all other young man who has fathers.
What super power would you have and what would you use it for?
To one of the great Leader in South Africa like be a minister of Home Affairs or Minister of Police and fight against the drug issue that is killing our nation.